These are archived messages; for more recent messages see Archive 2; for the (in your time slice) most recent messages see the main messages page.
Chronological order is from bottom to top; Replies by Dr. Whither.
Date: Saturday 1 January 2071
From: PsychoMetitor <PM•20710101224531•>
Subject: Spoofed T-mail address
"The future Giga Society members thank you for your interest. However, there exist several reasons, each in itself sufficient, that compel to believe your t-mail address has been "spoofed" and substantial aspects of your message are incorrect. Nevertheless you are given the opportunity to verify your claims with us. Kindly mention in your next message the hereafter displayed code word: Plotzky
After you have thus confirmed your time slice, we will proceed to the next, and final, test to establish whether or not you are the new Psychometitor."
Thank you for confirming your time slice as being of six decades earlier than you still ignorantly claim. The code word is time-slice-specific to enable verification of your whenabouts. It is inserted dynamically on each respective mirror of this page. This means you have been identified as an impostor. Do be relieved and wholeheartedly thank the future Giga Society members for kindly exposing you in this elegant way, for the next, and final, test to determine your possible Psychometitorship would have involved the enjoyment of one or two less than euphoric moments in the event of failure. Do not tempt us to tell.
[Clarification for who can not understand the preceding paragraph: The code word is different on each time slice mirror of this page. It is only "Plotzky" in a time slice six decades before the self-claimed time slice, so by returning "Plotzky" the self-claimed "PsychoMetitor" has unwittingly provided proof of one's whenabouts, and therefore of "spoofing" one's t-mail address. Let this be a lesson. The future Giga Society members are not that easily fooled.]
Date: Friday 31 December 2070
From: PsychoMetitor <PM•20701231235959•>
Subject: Help
Dearest friends,
I was recently summoned to take up the role of Psychometitor.
This is a great honor for me and I'm very glad to have been appointed. I hope that the fact that your kind has/will been/be replying to past messages is some sort of reflection of the quality of the selections I'll be making in the years to come.
Sadly, the honorable and long-lived Paul-C was not able to pass on his measuring devices before passing away last summer. I trust that he foresaw this and safeguarded all of the information needed for valid psychometrics in your hands. If this were the case, please be kind enough to send me all tests, answer sheets and scaling system, so that I can continue with the legacy.
With deep appreciation,
The future Giga Society members thank you for your interest. However, there exist several reasons, each in itself sufficient, that compel to believe your t-mail address has been "spoofed" and substantial aspects of your message are incorrect. Nevertheless you are given the opportunity to verify your claims with us. Kindly mention in your next message the hereafter displayed code word:
After you have thus confirmed your time slice, we will proceed to the next, and final, test to establish whether or not you are the new Psychometitor.
Date: Sunday 12 August 2057
From: Belle M. <bellem•20570812120000•octopus.neuron>
Subject: Belle's last t-quest
Message: Help please. This last message since power no longer be kept and bullet running out for keep off the subs. Shoot few all days but soon will get us. Help. Need moore ••••• bullet. Look is bullet: •. Or where go? Ice come closer year and year. Person who do elfsteedtocht all summers cancel it now first time 25 year since can no find canals under polar ice for skate. Ice sheet no melts in summer more. But if go south are more inferior subs who kill. What do? And what strange message you just sent? Is Psychometitor? Thank and love you for all time. Help.
Dear Belle: You and your families are the brightest of your time. Everything goes as the Psychometitor predicted in 2008 in Human degeneration. Modal I.Q. is plummeting through the decades-long paralyzing Marxist policies instated and enforced by the generations before you; by your own immediate, highly intelligent but narrow-horizoned and cowardly, forefathers.
Let the inferiors have the warmer areas. Let them go south. You can not fight them for long as in the short term the bad are stronger than the good. Go north, where the ice is. The subhumans can not survive there for lack of intelligence. Use animal fur for clothes and live in houses of snow blocks. Eat fish. They are the things that swim under the ice. Over time you will evolve into a species smarter than has ever been. Human intelligence develops as an adaptation to ice age conditions, and you are the chosen ones to take the next step in evolution. In several millennia, when it gets warm again, your people will crystallize their new raw intelligence into language, culture, architecture, art and science, and that civilization will populate the worlds. The masses of degenerates who now brutally take the warm areas will have become of a lower genus and serve as zoo animals, beasts of burden, or game to your descendants. Go, now that you still number in the thousands. The future Giga Society members show you this reply before you sent the corresponding message, because your power will run out after sending it. Memorize it, share it with your people, and study it well. You were the last of your era able to communicate with us. We will remember you.
Date: Friday 20 December 2047
From: nemesis•20471220235959•
Subject: help
Dr. Whither,
Ashamed about previous mail, not dared write u for 15 years.
You were right, I just failed; new DNA marker on Chrom6 was joke. Singularity!...naive...debacle, all too fast.
Friends, family, most death...where to hunt, walkin exhausting; not many safe houses left, scarce power.
Teaching son to do fire, he is fast learner, teaching to read while walkin thru safe areas. Taken aback by barbarity, how to protect my son? where are Giga members? help pls.
All best.
For protection, best go to places bad people find unpleasant; cold, uninhabitable, early mornings. Avoid contact with them. Try to find Belle M. at Octopus. Go to the forest early on Sunday mornings. Look for a small round pond with diametrically opposed benches. From the westernmost bench, look to the west. Behind the fallen dens lies moore.
The Giga Society members are in the Green Lodge.
Date: Friday 22 June 2046
From: TheRealPsych <psychometitor•20460622113045•octopus.neuron>
Subject: The real new Psychometitor
Good that you caught that impostor of "2070"! 2070, my foot! No, I am the one who will select several of you, dear future Giga Society members! I request that you send the late Psychometitor's tests, especially including the correct answers used by the good Dr. Cooijmans, to me. I herewith verify my time slice with you: The code word dynamically inserted on my mirror is "Rochus". I trust that suffices. Thank you in advance for providing me with the hardest tests in the universe that I need to do my work!
The future Giga Society members are delighted to hear from you. Your time slice has been confirmed by your returning the appropriate code word for your t-mail address. However, this only shows you are indeed writing from June 2046, not yet that you are the new Psychometitor. To verify that, a next, final, test will now be conducted.
Be warned; I, Dr. Whither, shudder at the thought of what may happen. Sensitive readers are well advised to look away during the following paragraphs, or at least have a good strong cup of coffee. What you must do is this:
Go to the nearest canal bridge. If needed, cut a hole of two by two metre in the ice directly under it. Put a lead belt of forty kilogram tightly around your waist. Certify that no one can see you. Kindly step off the bridge, slowly exhaling through your nose.
Have no fear; If you are indeed the new Psychometitor who will select some of us, your death at that point would cause a time paradox, so whatever you do, you will be saved and survive in some unexpected way. If on the other hand you are just another impostor, well, too bad, nothing lost.
So all you need to do is notify us that you survived this trial. Just saying that you survived is not enough, as anyone could do that. Luckily, in a case like this the time-space continuum throws an event-specific Paradox Error, the decimal expansion of which is by default branded on one's body, typically in an awkward place one can not see oneself. You may actually feel a burning sensation while in the water. If still able thereafter, go to a physician, and quickly explain that you are in contact with prominent figures from the remote future who require you to inform them of a Time Paradox Error code imprinted on your body. The doctor will at once be understanding and helpful, and write down the code for you, typically on a small piece of paper in bad handwriting. Send it to us by t-mail as proof your Psychometitorship.
[Surprisingly, later messages from this promising candidate appear to be missing from the RAIRAID in the Green Lodge.]
Date: Monday 20 December 2032
From: nemesis•20321220235959•
Subject: help
Dear Psychometitor,
Things are getting nasty back here. Fundamentalism breaking out by the minute. Singularity will never be permitted to happen - Kurzweil and "acolytes" are to be judged next January. Fear that in the name of innate human nature most of us will be, somehow, banished.
Thinking about emigrating but still do not know where. What is your recommendation?
My best
We are not the Psychometitor. This is Dr. Whither, on behalf of the future Giga Society members among whom may or may not be the Psychometitor. Emigration is for cowards. You still have a short while left. Whether singularity is "permitted" is irrelevant; What matters is whether it is still possible. Remember: Until singularity, technology has no momentum of itself, but depends entirely on the innate human intelligence that creates it. And when modal I.Q. sinks under 90, industrial society stops altogether, let alone that one could be approaching singularity. You are speaking of being permitted to the summit, while really you are about to be kicked out of base camp. You need to raise genetic intelligence to ensure there will be any technology left at all in twenty-five years. Be quick. You are now in the low nineties, and there's still time to change the road you're on. We recommend not to waste it.
Date: Friday 17 July 2009
Subject: Timewave Zero
Is there any validity to the concept of Timewave Zero as first put forth by Terrence McKenna?
The future Giga Society members, including Thoth and Isis, are unanimous in their strongest possible negation of any validity to the named concept.
Date: Sunday 21 June 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: Bahh... Just forget I asked about that issue
Last question - Are there pure atlanteans to be found anywhere today - any settlement or lineage that survived?
Pure Atlanteans are not found as, after the disaster, the surviving groups over generations have become different from their original stock through genetic drift, founder effect, admixture, adaptation to environment, inbreeding, or various dysgenic and degenerating effects. One should realize that a small isolated outpost on an island, once contact with the homeland is lost, loses the art of navigating the seas within two generations, and even the art of making fire within several centuries. Worry not though, as the Atlanteans in turn descended from the same race of humans as several of the current peoples, so that you have the option of attaining the level of the Atlanteans again, and more, if you breed properly.
Concludingly, the future Giga Society members never "forget".
Date: Wednesday 17 June 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: Aaargh! My head hurts...
Was the Thoth you know (future grail society member) born around 3500 BC, or was it another figure? You said there is only one Thoth. You know, if you're making up an unbelievable story, at least try to make it sound logical!
The Thoth we, the future Giga Society members, know was born during the fourth millennium B.C. Although superfluous, out of kindness the members point out said millennium runs from 3001 to 4000 B.C.
Date: Tuesday 16 June 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: I'm catching up slowly...
So what was the date (if we're... I mean... I am today in 2009) of the natural disaster which occured five millennia before that pseudonym's birth?
By the way, I'd like to thank you giga-geniuses very much for spending your super precious time (and minds) on useless conversations with little me.
Thoth says the date the asker asks for is 5 June 8498 B.C. In addition, the future Giga Society members are not all geniuses and never engage in "conversations".
Date: Monday 15 June 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: Regarding atlantis again
About the original "Thoth" (not that fake wannabe you're hooked up with) - What's his story? My reliable fairy tell-tales tell me that after that lucky comet hit he somehow managed to make a 'get-away'. Oh, and please excuse my contemporary idiotic expressions.
Thoth made a "get-away", as the asker calls it, by being born five millennia after the disaster, from direct descendants of the Atlanteans who had survived by being stationed in outposts of the Atlantean civilization at the time. Thoth wishes the asker to know there is only one Thoth.
Date: Thursday 11 June 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: Not that I believe in Yovev more than in Brozzel -
But what if the code he had asked you to send back was the winning sequence in a 500,000,000$ lottery?! Don't you think this was a bit irresponsible?
The future Giga Society members point out that the condition in the asker's first question is not met, and that this has from the start on been transparent to the members, as all of the received messages, including those that appear "future" to the asker, are already present in the Green Lodge while these replies are formulated.
Also, the suggestion that "Yovev" and "Brozzel" are not real is absurd. How on Earth could anyone, even a future Giga Society member, make up a being as amazing as Ribbert Brozzel the high I.Q. genius? The thought alone is laughable. Ribbert Brozzel the high I.Q. genius surpasses all imagination; One can only bow one's head in awe upon realizing the full extent of his capacities. Ribbert Brozzel!
Date: Wednesday 27 May 2009
From: Ivan Yovev <ivan_yovev•20090527220000•>
Subject: maybe it is impossible to happen
Yes , the error has been realized , but I had already sent the message.
Very Sorry. But please be good and kind to look for the next and final day of the week. Actually I do not know what the verbatim quotation would be , I have already put four letters and the rest would be filled according to the result of an event on 31 May. Interesting that there is no point to send the quotation if I do not receive it before 31 May.
But I want only to compare it. It sounds me like a paradox!
The future Giga Society members have looked at the messages of both Saturday 31 May and Sunday 31 May, and verified that the verbatim quotation given under the message of 25 May is accurate, and that nothing has been received on 31 May that deviates from it. Therefore it has herewith been proven, as (to the asker) future readers will note, that t-mail is "real". Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
Date: Monday 25 May 2009
From: Ivan Yovev <ivan_yovev•20090525220000•>
Subject: confirmation
Dr. Whither,
On Saturday 31 May 2009 I intend to send you about 15 letters quoted.
Would you please send them back in a reply of this current message - you should already received them although I am going to send them after some days.
I want to assure myself(and not only) you are really from the future and "t-mail" is real.
I have already written four of the letters on their unique positions on a sheet of paper.
Whatever you send , I promise to send you what I have already planned and to be honest.
Thank you in advance.
The future Giga Society members refer to their reply to the message of 19 April 2009, which applies to the present case as well. In addition, the members are dismayed and point out it is rude and displays distrust to "test" who have not asked to be tested. They would not even respond to a message like this if it were not for their extreme naivety and kindness. So here is a verbatim quotation of whatever is stored in the RAIRAID as having been sent by the asker on Saturday 31 May 2009; The asker is warned that the psychological shock of realizing t-mail is real might harm the asker:
" "
The future Giga Society members further stress that what is "already written" or "planned" is irrelevant and beyond their knowledge; The members only know what is in the actually received messages as stored in the Green Lodge, in this case the supposed message of Saturday 31 May 2009 claimed by the asker to have been sent by the asker on Saturday 31 May 2009.
Finally, the future Giga Society members express their determination to not cooperate in any further experiments to "confirm" whether they or t-mail are "real".
Date: Friday 22 May 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: You got me curious
Nuclear explosions are natural on the sun, not on earth. But lets move on to the obvious question: What was it which brought down the atlanteans?
The future Giga Society members know from reliable sources that the core of the Atlantean civilization, located on several islands, was destroyed by a natural nuclear explosion which occurred upon the impact of a fragmented comet. Outposts of the civilization survived and later contributed to the first historical civilizations in Egypt and the Americas.
Date: Thursday 21 May 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: I wonder what brought that civilization down...
I guess we'll never know for sure.
You talk about raising genetic intelligence, using means that do not differ much from the normal course of nature (a selection process which could take thousands of years to reach a satisfactory effect), yet the very element which you are working on to increase is the one thing that seperates men from nature and makes them evolve all sorts of things without consideration to the slow pace of nature. Don't you notice a strong contradiction here?
The future Giga Society members do not notice any contradiction as the asker suggests. In addition, there are several mistaken assumptions in the question which no doubt have led the asker astray, resulting in this erroneous question. Out of kindness, they are pointed out, although in general the future members avoid responding to messages in cases where the response would largely exist of a list of pointed-out errors:
Then, it must be said that it is well known what brought the Atlantean civilization down. Since the asker does not ask this, it is not answered. And finally, the future Giga Society members trust it has now been displayed once and for all why questions containing false assumptions can not be treated (One fool could keep a thousand wise men busy for eternity if such questions were always kindly treated as shown above, as each false assumption really constitutes a "question" in its own right, and as those inclined to include assumptions in their questions typically include many, and typically get their assumptions wrong); The proper treatment of assumptions in questions is explained splendidly by the Psychometitor, and submitters of t-messages are expected to have acquainted themselves thoroughly therewith.
Date: Wednesday 20 May 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: Wow, looks like I'm the only girl around
Was there really, some millenia ago, another continent in the atlantic ocean?
(You know, that legendary "Atlantis" from all of these unreliable stories)
There was no other continent, but there were islands and an Atlantic civilization that no longer exist, which is what you probably mean. In fact, Thoth, with whom we are in occasional contact, is a direct descendant of the Atlanteans.
Date: Monday 18 May 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: A trick question
Can we write to you in any language we wish?
(considering the superior translation technology of your time)
Only insofar the asker wishes to write in languages the asker masters. The future Giga Society members sense however this is not what the asker meant to ask, the question which the asker failed to formulate being, "Can you understand all languages?" The answer to that question would be "Yes", while it must emphasized that no superior translation technology is claimed to exist in "our" time, and on the understanding that toward visitors of this page it would be inconsiderate to use non-current languages.
Date: Sunday 17 May 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: Never heard of any Ribbert Brozzel
Have you been drinking?
(Rhetorical question)
If someone went back in time to, say... 1990, and tried to kill (permanently) Raymond Kurzweil, is there any chance for him to succeed with it?
The question can not be answered as it contains the false assumption that the physically going backward in time of a thus inclined individual is possible. Out of kindness, it is further pointed out that the difficulties of physical time travel in the backward direction are of such magnitude that only those whose considerations are on superior ethical and intellectual planes to begin with may succeed.
In addition, the future Giga Society members express disbelief and wonder as to the asker's not having heard of Ribbert Brozzel the high I.Q. genius. How, do they ask, can any one not have heard of Ribbert Brozzel the high I.Q. genius, who keeps over sixty unconscious models rolled up in his New York City apartment? Of Ribbert Brozzel the high I.Q. genius, praised by dozens of I.Q. society journal editors for the thitherto unseen quality of his writing?
Date: Saturday 16 May 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: I have lots of questions
Who in your opinions was the greatest thinker of the 20th century?
What an easy question! Of course, it is Ribbert Brozzel the high I.Q. genius! Who else could it be! Ribbert Brozzel the high I.Q. genius, a self-confessed professional test-taker for over twenty-five years! Ribbert Brozzel the high I.Q. genius, with an I.Q. known to less than 99.997 % of mankind, based on independent psychological testing under 3/1000 of the first percentile! Ribbert Brozzel the high I.Q. genius, author of hundreds of profound essays in high-I.Q. journals yearly, guaranteed to leave the reader in amazement! No one who read his work failed to instantly recognize the unique nature of his talent! And the originality of his topics! And the the the fluency of his sentences and complete absence of er the errors fluency of of sentences and complete absence of errors! Yes, those sparkling lines, the unheard-of topics, that is the mark of Ribbert Brozzel the high I.Q. genius! We, the future Giga Society members, look forward to having his soul weighed by Thoth to finally reveal the true extent of this genius, after which Ribbert Brozzel the high I.Q. genius will be allocated appropriately as explained in the article referred to in our previous reply.
Date: Friday 15 May 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: Plus sign works great
Have any of you uploaded his/her consciousness to a computer?
The future Giga Society members thank you for this important question. The simple uploading of a mind, in that literal sense, has not taken place. What is done successfully is closely similar to the brilliant method first published by the Psychometitor in the late twentieth century, in a to us legendary paper called HEAVEN.COM. We are in contact with or aware of several who chose that path; It pleases us eternally to inform that Thoth knows no mercy, and that some - in particular, those who cheated with their admission test - now reside in FLAMINGHELL.EXE as so appropriately predicted.
Others will go further, expanding dimensions and conduction velocity of the new brains to explore the boundaries of intelligence. We hesitate to give details as yet.
Date: Friday 8 May 2009
From: Hi Cue <vviiipptest•20090508105500•yohaa.mock>
Subject: Send us Dr. Cooijmans' tests and answers!
We, who thrice daily bath in venomous frog transpiration, applaud your dismissing the impostors of 2070 and 2046! Hi Cue, who are two, are the REAL new Psychometitrae! Code word: Plotzky.
We already did the next test as in the 2046 case! Indeed, we survived our trial unexpectedly by Angelic Divine intervention, and doctors became very understanding and helpful when we told about you, Prominent future Giga members, and the Time Paradox codes on our bodies. It was as you said; The doctors - bad handwriting! - scribbled the error codes on small pieces of paper. Both read: haloperidol8mg/day. What's that for a decimal expansion!
So now send us test materials! Especially the Nemesis! And don't forget that no-brainer puny Isis!! Let your good-for-nothing Dr. Cooijmans retire. Money is his game! Eugenics is his aim! Give him the euthanasia pill!! Make it a depository! We'll continue his legacy upon receipt of all tests and score charts. Well, as soon as they let us out of the institute, that is.
The future Giga Society members are honoured to hear from your prominent personalities. The provided code word is right, we confirm that you are writing from May 2009. Congratulations!
The "error code" you cite, alas, resembles not remotely the decimal expansion of any bona fide Time Paradox Error thrown. In fact, we do not know what it is, although some doctors here whisper it seems somehow appropriate for you both, in particular if administered in the way you kindly advise for the Psychometitor's euthanasia pill. We hope that you fare well in your further psychometric undertakings.
Date: Tuesday 5 May 2009
From: Cronos •2009050513320000•
Subject: The future ahead
Dear Sirs,
Do you communicate with future-to you-Giga members and, if so, using the very same technology?
Thanks for your reply.
The future Giga Society members do communicate with even more remotely future members. This is not with the same technology however, as some remotely future members, in particular Thoth, the Grail Society member, have more advanced methods at their disposal.
Date: Monday 4 May 2009
From: Cronos •2009050413320000•
Subject: t-mail under the hood
Dear Sirs,
Let me ask two questions that are related to each other despite going against your instructions.
What is the mechanism to mirror pages back in time?
Do you communicate with future -to you-Giga members and, if so, using the very same technology?
Thanks and regards.
As the asker knows, only one question at a time is allowed. The future Giga Society members therefore will parse the asker's message, extracting the first question and discarding the remainder:
That is an important question, for it inquires after a technology which does not exist in your era. It is as follows: After nine decades of time encapsulation, it was observed that the soil surrounding the Green Lodge had undergone change. The precise cause of this change is yet mysterious; It may be the long-term protected data storage, or the released stress hormones of poor souls trying to approach the site, or something else still, or any combination thereof. In any case, the soil seems to have hardened and to have acquired an unusual property: When a ball or bullet is manufactured of it by heating and compression, and that ball or bullet given an initial velocity ("fired"), it spontaneously converts its mass to kinetic energy, such that its velocity doubles every two seconds until all of its mass has been used up. Then, it decelerates to its initial velocity, converting part of its energy back into matter again.
Given sufficient initial mass, a moore bullet - the substance is called "moore" - will reach the speed of light within a minute and, if its available energy has not yet run out, travel backward in time for the section of its trajectory that lies beyond light speed. By carefully calibrating a bullet's mass, direction and elevation angle ("taking aim"), it can be sent to a location and time of one's choice (wherein "carefully" is used euphemistically, as the bullets may be underway for several hundreds of light years). The initial velocity may be used to encode information; For instance, one may use 50 metres per second for a "0" bit, and 100 m/s for a "1". A moore bullet catcher then senses the bullets' velocities at arrival and stores those, minus some transport header information, in a file, which your web browser is displaying while you read this. Since the number of - albeit tiny - bullets needed for one page lies in the order of ten to the fifth, the bullet catcher requires frequent emptying. To avoid any moore from falling into the wrong hands, all catcher residue is deposited in the immediate surroundings of the Green Lodge.
Date: Tuesday 28 April 2009
From: Dylan Barnes <inquisition•20090428004800•>
Subject: Interested
This "Giga Society" interests me greatly, but the whole, "we keep you dumb for protection from yourself," fixation confuses me.
I share the same values as the "Psychometitor." Human degenration is blatently apparent; for example, it is not common that one would inject a foreign substance into one's body to induce a "high" by killing off brain cells and deadening synapses.
But those who scower this site and relative others surely must have atleast a basic understanding of concepts considered esoteric in this generation, such as using encapsulation methods to create a link between time slices.
Hypothetically speaking, (considering I am only human with reasonable doubts) what would further enlightenment of the "t-mail" methods require? I am only 15 years of age, but feel that if this method is viable, it would be too exponentially valuble to pass up, even if I do risk humiliation by a man reading these messages within relative time from the date of this message.
Alright then, we will reveal how time encapsulation works to convey messages to the remote future; To protect sensitive visitors of this page though, the future Giga Society members provide the following classified information in code. We trust the most advanced of you will understand exactly what is meant:
The essence of t-mail has already been explained in response to your previous message. What remains is the precise method of protection used to encapsulate the lodge which contains the durable storage medium: Movement detectors are located around the lodge. Whenever one approaches the site, a hidden Public Address system begins to play back, softly but unmistakably, the old favourite "Paloma blanca" (also known as "Una paloma blanca").
No man in his right mind will continue his approach.
For the odd disturbed souls who remain unaffected, the encapsulation method has been made fail-safe; That is, it then continues to the complete works of ABBA, but with all of the vocal parts done by Meryl Streep, Mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven on the piano, and in an orchestration by James Last and André Rieu. In almost a century, no one has come close to the Redundant Array of Independent Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks kept in the Green Lodge.
Relative to your acuity in decoding the prior three paragraphs, you now know all about t-mail and time encapsulation.
Date: Monday 27 April 2009
From: Dylan Barnes <inquisition•20090427074800•>
Subject: On what basis
On what basis is this "t-mail" function based on? Time can only be manipulated theoretically through software models, and they function only in a range of positive values. Reverse-time manipulation is impossible, and unless you have devised a vise capable of anti-gravity, time travel is ridiculous.
The future Giga Society members are surprised it took so long for one to formulate this question. T-mail is much more simple than you suggest. It works through encapsulation. The t-messages from are sent by regular e-mail to a computer that stores them permanently on a durable medium. This is kept in a hidden protected lodge, so that messages once stored remain isolated from the normal course of time. The nature of this protective encapsulation is almost too horrific to speak of. Do not tempt us to tell. Sensitive readers would lose good sleep over it. Be assured that those who tried to approach the lodge over the past century enjoyed several less than pleasant moments.
In our time we simply reap the harvest you have sown; That is, we read the stored messages, and publish the least uninteresting ones with replies on the Giga Society web site. The relevant pages in turn are mirrored in their appropriate time slices, such as yours. We have not claimed to practice time travel.
Date: Monday 20 April 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: That was a smart answer
Message: So you are not going to give any hard proof that you're not lying. Actually, you rather have people believe that you do lie about all this...
If you are, by some circumstance, telling the truth though, then doesn't changing the past affect your present?
Since it is not claimed the past is being changed that question is irrelevant. Incidentally, the future Giga Society members find the suggestion that they might be lying bizarre, as that would imply their non-existence, and it is unusual for non-existent persons to lie.
Date: Sunday 19 April 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: A straight question
Message: If your answers go back through time, why aren't they published immediately as (or before) the questions are sent? Why does it "take you time" to answer?
Although it is technologically indeed possible to make the replies appear instantly or even before you send the question, the psychological shock of seeing that happen and realizing its implications has been empirically shown over the (for us) past century to kill one in two-hundred t-mailers. So to prevent you from becoming the umpteenth to be found death at one of our messages, we purposely project it to your near future.
Another reason to "delay" our replies is to avoid giving you instant gratification, which in unconscientious (and therefore many) humans causes the phenomenon of "getting hooked" and uncontrollably sending message after message at ever shorter intervals, leading to involuntary hospitalization or worse. Additionally, our inbox is flooded thus; Do realize we are receiving t-mail not only from your time slice but from the several decades ahead of you as well. As an illustration, we may occasionally display a message from your somewhat remote future here; Such messages are psychologically safe, as you will refuse to believe they are real to protect your sanity.
Date: Saturday 18 April 2009
From: The Iconoclast
Message: Has there in *your* past been a rebuttal of the JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES' ideology that would be accepted as true by them, when presented to present day JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES?
Thank you.
No. In fact, several of the future Giga Society members are going cave-to-cave each Sunday to offer free Bible studies and spread The Watchtower.
Date: Friday 17 April 2009
From: Ivan Yovev , , Glia Society member
Subject: intelligence
Message: Can you tell us whether there are methods (and which are they?) to increase intelligence even for some hours? For example any vitamins , pills , foods , music , ....
Yes. But the future Giga Society members will not do so as that would rob you of the satisfaction of finding that out for yourself, which is an irreparable loss.
Date: Friday 17 April 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: Well that ruined my plans...
Message: Are you implying that there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to bring the end of humanity until your time arrives?
No. Although superfluous, it is pointed out that to say that the world will not end on one particular date in no way implies that it could not end on any date before or after that.
Date: Friday 17 April 2009
From: I. Y. ; the xx(x+1) Glia society member.
Subject: questions
Message: I have 4 questions.
1. What would happen if you tell us how to invent something that will be invented somewhere in the middle of our and your present time? Is that change the date of invention?
2. Receiving energy from nothing is not possible nowadays. Is it the same in your time and if yes , how do you explain that energy has appeared since the fact universe exist?
3. Multiplying long numbers by the standard method ; and only with pen and a sheet of paper is very long procedure. Is the following idea(if possible) released in your time:
To transform the numbers into something like figures or pictures and only by logical ways to change them(f. or p.) which would result into another ones get ready to be transformed into the final number.
4. Is it possible he was not born U.G. in **98 , but B.S. to has made him somehow such a man?
Thanks in advance.
The future Giga Society members kindly request to limit oneself to one clearly formulated question at a time. Out of kindness, the following answers are provided still: 1. It would be invented. No. 2. The possibility of receiving energy from nothing is the same in both times. The energy in the universe is part of the universe and has not appeared within it, and what has not happened need not be explained. Also, there is no "stage" outside of the universe against which the universe or its energy is appearing or "has appeared". 3. No. For extra information, that idea has long before been released (o. and d.), and the future Giga Society members would not dream of using any other method. 4. Of course, why not? Think of what happened to I.F.P. in *#21, who was made like that by U.C. Not to mention T.G.W.A. in (!*492, let alone P.J. in ***_9348576346.
Date: Friday 17 April 2009
From: Milly <>
Subject: I have a serious question please
Message: From your position, can you tell me the likelihood of the world to end on 21/12/2012 ?
Yes. But that is probably not what you meant to ask; Assuming you meant to ask what that likelihood is, the answer is "Zero".
Date: Wednesday 15 April 2009
From: Charles Peden <>
Subject: Hello from Benbrook
Message: It was an absolutely stunning day in Fort Worth, Texas today. Just a wonderful cool temperature, clear skies, and a hint of breeze.
I got on the Internet today to look up Wolfram|Alpha. Thought maybe I could get a clearer picture of what exactly it does and how I can use it. It will not be live for another few weeks and I am trying to figure out if it is worth getting excited about.
I am planning on taking my test to see if I qualify for Mensa this Thursday. I already failed to qualify for Glia. I may be too rigid. I had a girl from accounting tell me today that she thought I should join a debate team. She mentioned that it concerned her when she had to come over and visit our department because she was afraid of getting into a debate with me. This surprised me. I withheld my reaction to tell her she was wrong about me...for obvious reasons.
It is kind of sad to think of the future. The chaos and uncertainty of this time in which I live leaves me feeling that the future is dominant and abusive to the past. It is going to abandon me and erase my existense. In the end, perhaps I will have done nothing but pretended that I mattered. I certainly could have done more with my life if not for the cruel devices and traps laid in my path from the cold, unforgiving future.
Oh, and just in case.
Dear future people. Please send money. Lots and lots of money. $82,000,000 should be okay. Please include instructions for investing and let me know how NOT to distribute it. Full initial consultation is advised.
Oh my god, the Ambien CR is kicking in.
Will you love me in the morning?
Charles Peden
The future Giga Society members assume the latter question is rhetorical. A way to send actual money through time has not yet been invented, which eliminates the need to tell whether or not the members would do so in this case. Regarding investment or distribution however, it is emphasized that money is best invested in individuals who are highly creative as defined by the Psychometitor, and that money should NOT be distributed among those who require instruction or consultation as to what to do with it, or those who are not creative (which by definition includes all of those who are not conscientious).
Date: Saturday 11 April 2009
From: A Curious Sort of Person
Subject: Email
Message: Will there still be email/tmail in the future?
The future Giga Society members are dismayed with the regrettable quality of the first t-mail message ever sent from their web site. In case an answer is still needed: Yes, as already implied by the existence of this very t-mail project itself.