Do you qualify for the Giga Society?
Introductory information
Below is the full list of accepted tests and scores, eliminating the need for inquiries like Is the ... test accepted too?
or What is the qualifying score on the ... test?
which will therefore not be answered. Required is a score at or above .999999999 of the adult population on a first attempt.
Retest scores are not accepted, as are scores self-normed by the applicant. This strict policy sets the Giga Society so clearly apart from other societies with ultra-high pass levels, which may sometimes ever so slightly resemble cults of megalomania and narcissism.
Please realize that the information on this page is clear and complete, and that not understanding it — that is, applying without a qualifying score — is not compatible with the intelligence level claimed by applying, and naturally disqualifies the applicant. Replying to such applications tends to receive less than high priority.
Accepted tests and qualifying scores
Heterogeneous tests
- Test For Genius - Revisions 2004, 2010, 2016, 2025
- Combined Numerical and Spatial sections of Test For Genius - Revision 2010 or 2016
- The Nemesis Test
- Test of the Beheaded Man
- The Sargasso Test
- Cooijmans Intelligence Test (any form, English or Netherlandic)
- Associative LIMIT
- The Marathon Test
- A Paranoiac's Torture: Intelligence Test Utilizing Diabolic Exactitude
- Narcissus' last stand
- The Piper's Test
- Only idiots
- The Smell Test
- The Gate
- Dicing with death
- De Laatste Test - Herziening 2019
- De Golfstroomtest - Herziening 2019
- Problems In Gentle Slopes of the second degree
- Psychometrically Activated Grids Acerbate Neuroticism
- Problems In Gentle Slopes of the third degree
- Gliaweb Recycled Intelligence Test
- Labyrinthine LIMIT
- <Cooijmans On-Line Test> - Two-barrelled version (subtest of The Hammer Of Test-Hungry)
- Reason Behind Multiple-Choice - Revision 2008
- Isis Test
- Magma Test (Edward Vanhove) - 30 raw
- The Alchemist Test (Anas El Husseini)
- Random Feickery (Brandon Feick)
- Divine Psychometry (Matthew Scillitani)
- A Relaxing Test (David Miller)
- Bonsai Test - Revision 2016
Homogeneous tests
- De Roskam
- GliaWeb Raadselachtige Associatie- en Analogieëntest
- Test for extrasensory perception (Cooijmans) - 3 raw
Most of the tests can be found on or through I.Q. Tests for the High Range. Applications for membership are to be sent to the society's Psychometitor.